General Manager

Margarita Stoichkova

Margarita is the General Manager of BULDE LTD. She graduated with honors her Bachelor`s degree in Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam, followed by a BSc (Hons) from Oxford Brookes University in the UK and a Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Control at the University of National and World Economy in Bulgaria. Currently, Margarita is completing her last MS in Finance and Banking at the University of Sheffield, the branch in Bulgaria. She has gained professional experience working in the field of finances and management for over ten years. Her interests led her into the world of the industry again after a successful career in the automotive industry as a Financial Manager. BULDE is a start-up and is a great opportunity for the implementation of processes and organizational structure from a scratch. Her professional endeavors are the realm of lean manufacturing, standardization of processes, continuous improvement of processes and people. Her personal interest includes healthy eating and education.